ISNET Series Website

The online knowledge base of the Information and Statistics in Nuclear Experiment and Theory (ISNET) series


The ISNET Board consists of the Chair and Co-Chair and an additional ten members, drawn from the ISNET membership. Rotation of Board members will begin on June 30, 2023 with the replacement of two members of the initial ISNET Board by three new members. Subsequently, four members of the Board will be replaced every second year. New members will serve for a six-year, nonrenewable term of office. See the ISNET Charter for details on the Board functions and procedures.

(Chair) Andreas Ekström, Chalmers University of Technology
(Co-chair) Amy Lovell, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Tanja Horn, The Catholic University of America
David Ireland, University of Glasgow
Alessandro Lovato, Argonne National Laboratory
Junchen Pei, Peking University
Daniel Phillips, Ohio University
Maria Piarulli, Washington University
Scott Pratt, Michigan State University
Özge Surer, Miami University
Ian Vernon, Durham University
Richard Wilkinson, University of Nottingham

Last updated on 16 Jul 2024
Published on 1 Dec 2023
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